Hi people of the world!:) I'm a contributor for our company's internal newsletter and I'm tasked to fill up this column about Top Ten "somethings"... much like Chico and Delamar's Top Ten every morning, if ya know what I mean ;) So anyway, for our maiden issue, I need to come up with the Top Ten Things To Do While Stuck in Traffic.. Hmm, so far I have only thought of four entries. I cannot solicit answers from the office coz then the column would not be a surprise to them anymore if I did. So there, I need your answers!!! Serious or non-serious, crazy or sane... all your ideas would be greatly appreciated. I just have to get my ass moving and submit something to our Features editor fast!
Thanks in advance for sharing your wild ideas to me! :)
Monday, July 26, 2004
Posted by ~*lilacstardust*~ at 7/26/2004 09:04:00 PM 3 comments
Sunday, July 25, 2004
~* 50 QUESTIONS *~
I am officially bored :p ...
'Saw this in Teena & Tere's blog...
1. What kind of first impression do you think you give people?
* that i'm snobbish. i think it's 'coz of my pouty lips... and i don't smile at people who don't smile at me first. :P
2. What's one thing you like to do alone?
* shopping
3. Are you a giver or a taker?
* pretty much both
4. What have you stolen before?
* hmm.*thinks*
5. How many drinks before you're tipsy?
* on the 3rd shot of tequila. or on the 3rd bottle of vodka ice (is it vodka ice or ice vodka? f*@#. i can't even remember its correct name. sheesh.) but i guess it basically depends on how full i am by the time i drink. naturally, i'd get tipsy faster if my stomach's kinda empty.
6. Do you ever have to beg?
* i guess just beg na pa-cute for favors, hehe :P
7. What kind of books do you like to read?
* tear-jerkers na love stories; self-help; inspirational
8. Do you think you're cute?
* hehe. i'm vain but i'm not really sure if i AM cute :P
9. Do you have a problem changing clothes in front of your friends?
* depends which friends
10. What's the most painful experience you've ever had?
* heartbreak. (yes, i'm a friggin' drama queen :P )
11. Favorite communication method?
* email, SMS
12. Do you care?
* about what? it depends eh. but i tend to be apathetic most of the time. like, as long as something is not affecting me directly, i do not give a damn about it. (yeah, i know apathy is not exactly admirable... but... oh well.)
13. What is your most prized piece of your music collection?
* my incubus CDs!!! hmm, and also those signed ones...
14. What is the geekiest part of your music collection?
* i guess enya and the gregorian masters of chant
15. What do you eat when you raid the fridge at night?
* i have never raided the fridge in the middle of the night
16. What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?
* hmm. this is tough ha. i'm mushy so i tend to cry easily in movies... well i cried watching el crimen del padre amaro, walk to remember, crazy/beautiful, love story, end of the affair, untamed heart... shiyeeet. lahat ata ng mushy love stories eh! :P
17. If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?
* probably my nose. grr, i don't like my nose eh :P
18. What is a physical habit that gives away your insecure moments?
* hmm. i'm not sure what...
19. Do you know anyone famous?
* yup
21. Describe your bed.
* the frame is a white metal thing with round gold thingies on its posts. got a tweety pillow, a crescent moon pillow and an angel-printed pillow -- all gifts to me -- on the headboard. And then two fluffy pillows: one for my head, another for my bed's left side. And then a sorta hard pillow on the other end for my feet. There. Puro pillows. :P And of course a blanket.
22. Spontaneous or planned?
* i'm sorta OC. I like things planned.
23. Do you know how to play poker?
* nope.
24. What do you carry with you at all times?
* my celfone, lip balm, tissue, wallet, tiny mirror, alcogel. yan, buhay na ko basta i have all those things in my bag ;)
25. What do you miss most about being little?
* not having to think about money, bills, love life, work and other stuffs that plague the twentysomethings' minds... ya know... quarter-life crisis stuff ;P
26. Are you happy with your given name?
* yup, i'm ok with it. it's not exactly elegantly grand and all but i'm fine with it :)
27. How much money would it take to give up the internet for 1 year?
* hmm. like a million US dollars?
28. What color is your bedroom?
* feeenk!
29. Have you ever been in a play?
* in school plays, yeah. man, i hate those school plays.
30. Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?
* in some ways yes, in some ways no.
31. Do transient, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you?
* i just don't like it when they make suuuuper kuhit to you. i'm OC about germs eh. (hiyuuuck. parang i suddenly sound like a conotic kolehiyala. yuck. sorry!) but generally, i pity them. sometimes i say a little prayer for a particular streetperson when i suddenly get awa to them when i see them. and minsan pag super naaawa ako sa nanglilimos, i give them money. Like when we were leaving Xaymaca last Fri, this sampaguita boy asked me to buy some sampaguita from him, pambili lang daw ng balut. Kawawa naman, it was like 3am na in the morning. So even if my sister kinda told me to ignore the kid, in the end, i still gave him P20. The kid was giving me P20 worth of sampaguita but I said kanya na lang yun. At the back of my mind though, I just hope the beggars whom I give money to won't buy like drugs or rugby or something bad with it.
Okay. So that was a long answer! hehe :P
32. Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?
* yeah. but with a hint of bitchiness :P
33. Do you spend more time with your girlfriend/boyfriend or your friends?
* what boyfriend???
34. What's one thing you wish you could do but can't?
* i wish i could read minds (ala what women want)
35. What is your ideal wedding location?
* haven't really thought about it... but caleruega looks nice... haven't really been there though.
36. What's one instrument you wish you could play?
* the acoustic guitar (as in with matching tapping/katok ha!)
37. Something you love and hate?
* as in love AND hate at the same time? I guess "Love" then. Bleeech :P
40. What's one language you want to learn?
* French
41. What do you order at a bar?
* Vodka Ice, Kamikaze, Mule, Tequila... but mostly vodka-based drinks, and also stuff with kahlua and/or baileys
42. Have you ever pierced your body parts?
* as in me doing the piercing, nope. as in had it pierced, yeah -- ears ('got an extra piercing on my left ear)
43. Do you have any tattoos?
* nope, but i want a super tiny butterfly like on the base part of my spine
44. Would you admit to getting plastic surgery if confronted?
* yup
46. What's one trait you hate in a person?
* not really hate as in HATE... more like annoy me lang... ka-slowan, i guess.
48. Do you consider yourself materialistic?
* sorta
49. What do you cook best?
* hehe, corned beef soup with potato and/or cabbage and ginisang corned beef with lotsa onions
50. Do you cry in front of your friends?
* yup
Posted by ~*lilacstardust*~ at 7/25/2004 12:23:00 AM 2 comments
Saturday, July 24, 2004
Okay, lemme indulge on my reggae phase... ;P
I want to give you some love
Saying oh I love you
I want to give you some love
Posted by ~*lilacstardust*~ at 7/24/2004 09:47:00 PM 0 comments
'Had my Brownman Revival fix last night at Xaymaca. Twas just my second visit there, still with Abbie (namesake of Abbie, my high school friend. She's my sister's friend...) and my sister. This time we were joined by my sister's friends Rechie and his sister Kel, Ate Ga and then later on, Archie, Lot and her boyfriend joined us.
This time we reserved seats :) We took the far end of the tables against the wall, the ones with the cushioned long bench. Our prime purpose was to have something to stand on again when the band starts its set. They started setting up around 10ish. Dino Concepcion (the vocalist) didn't have his shades on yet but it was kinda dark on stage and like we only saw his side view. So the mystery remains... Hehe. Is he cute or not without the ever-present trademark shades? Malay ko ba if he's sideviewgenic?!
Dino's profile on their site reads:
WANTED : for slander, libel, moral defamation, character assasination, smear, crime of conscience and adding insult to injury against a strong republic and its conspirators; for abuse of right to free expression and assertion of right to a decent way of life.
ALSO WANTED : by titillated fans (teens, kolehiyalas, yuppies,models, drag queens, homosexuals, deranged fans, sugar mommies, expat hotties, local hotties, showbiz personalities and yes, even lesbians), sexually aroused by his passionate wailing and complimented by hypnotic riddims of his co-operatives, also known collectively as BROWNMAN REVIVAL.
DISTINCT FEATURE/S : wears shades during performances (once he was asked why the fancy for his eyewear, he replied: "it's for me to wear, and for you to find out" )
One of 'em turned out to be layogenic. I'd rather not say who. Basta when we met him up close two weeks ago, we all went "Ay?! Ermm, ikaw ba yun (on stage)?" in our minds! :P Oh well.
Brownman Revival started playing their first set around 11ish. They sang my fave song in their line-up... that Lionel Richie (yes! ackkk, right?! But their reggae version is just sooo good) "The Only One". Yebbah :) A coupla minutes into their first set, Abbie and I stood up na on the cushioned bench and danced. Yup, that's why we love those seats against the wall ;) You can just stand on the bench and dance, you ain't gonna annoy anyone by blocking their view since it's already the bay windows which are behind you. Plus, you get to see the entire stage (and of course Dino;) ) and of course, groove to your heart's content ;)
You, turned me inside out and you showed me. What life was about. Only you, the only one that stole my heart away. ~ The Only One, Lionel Richie
During Brownman Revival's first set...
Our feeble attempt at using my fone's night mode. That's supposed to be (L-R) Ate Ga, my sister and me.
Basically, the place starts to get packed after 12mn. By the time they did their second set around 1am, the place was a sweat house. Well at least this time I came prepared ;) I wore a black tank top (the first time I went there, since it was a spur-of-the-moment thing, I was like in an office blouse with long sleeves. Shiyeeet. How uncool. Mukha ako masyadong kagalang-galang na yuppie. And imagine how super-init that attire was! NOT good for dancing at all :P ). I swear, it's like having a work-out with all the sweaty dancing goin' on. Ok, since I don't go to the gym, that's my dose of work-out! ;)
An excerpt on the Brownman Revival site reads:
Drawing heavily on contemporary reggae acts such as Big Mountain, Inner Circle and UB40, BROWNMAN REVIVAL creatively mixes the traditional roots sound of venerated reggae icon Bob Marley, with a Hispano-tropical pop sensibility as only sun-loving Filipinos can, producing a festive but sensuous strain of Lover's Rock reggae with such vibrant energy that never fails to leave the crowds winding and grinding their sweaty bodies to the band's euphoric reggae party.
Yup. "Euphoric reggae party" encapsulates the entire experience. By around 2:30AM, the band had like 3 encore songs already. Everybody kept shouting "more, more!" just when Dino is about to walk off the stage. Left the place around 3am. Got home around 4am. My hair totally stinked with yosi smell. Grrness. Had to shampoo my hair three times again today. :P
Looking in your eyes
Looking in your big brown eyes...
...Girl I want to make you sweat
Sweat till you can't sweat no more
And if you cry out
I'm gonna push it some mo-o-ore
Girl I want to make you sweat
Sweat till you can't sweat no more
And if you cry out
I'm gonna push it
Push it, push it some more
~ Sweat, Inner Circle
Funny... so my mom woke me up this morning coz she went online (the PC's in my room) and she goes: "Oh anak, anong ginawa nyo sa gay bar?" I was like, "Hellerrr?! What gay bar?" Haha! Apparently, she misheard me last night when I made paalam to her. I said I was going with my sis to the REGGAE bar. Not GAY bar! Haha! So all the while, she thought I had been hanging out in a gay bar til 3 in the morning?! Funny talaga oh. :P
Posted by ~*lilacstardust*~ at 7/24/2004 08:34:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: gigs
Saturday, July 17, 2004
Last Thursday, 'went to Onstage Greenbelt to watch the AKAfellas. Met up with Tere there. Saw Tito Daddy and Tita. Also saw Jane. Teena came out to where we were waiting to give us a quick hi. Bianx (my officemate) was not really supposed to watch but we managed to convince her when we told her that Christian Bautista is the special guest for the concert. And besides, she didn't have to spend a single cent on the tickets! (basta!) Charo who came from work at St. Luke's arrived by 9pm a coupla minutes before the show started.
Save for some tech difficulties, the show was uber-entertaining to watch and the guys were great as usual. I gotta commend 'em for giving their very best for I heard from Teena that just days before the show, like half of the fellas were sick (Red and Reubs had virtually lost their voices daw and if I remember correctly, Robi and Pau had fever/flu too...) but hey, they managed to give the audience a stellar performance!
Haha!:P Apparently, the guys could easily see Tere and I from the stage. Robi has made a coupla comments pertaining to us throughout his adlibs :) Like that: "Aha! You're the one who's been stalking me!" *Later on, I found out something from Tere which made me laugh even more about this random comment of Robi. Haha. Patay! :P"
Oh, and when Christian Bautista asked if anyone knew/was familiar with Breathe's Hands To Heaven, apparently, I was the only one who raised my hand coz he said "Oh there! Only one?!"
One of Myke's jokes:
Myke to Robi (re: his leather jacket): "Yuck! Amoy wallet ka na!"
I sooo liked their version of Maroon 5's "This Love" (Robi sang the lead for this). Their Broadway medley was spectacular as usual. Myke and Pau's dance during that part was such a delight to watch. Basta, 'kaaliw! 'So adorable with Pau's wrong moves and Myke looking like a happy kid while dancing. The American Idol thingie they did was also so fun to watch. Plus, since it was a "showcase" of their individual singing talents, I was like in awe half of the time. Man, I just realized Reubs does sound like Gary V. when he did that Gary V. (I think?) song. Pau did justice to the Michael Buble song he sang. Red did a great Josh Groban number. Sad though coz there was some problems with the spotlight during Red's number. Grrness. It was almost funny though coz the first line of his song went "Through the DARKNESS, I can see your light..." So while Tere was mumbling "Spotlight! Spotlight!", Bianx and I was saying "Ay. Through the darkness nga naman! Hayyyy :( "... "Ayan! Through the darkness daw kasi! :P " And *cheer*cheer* for Red, coz I heard he was afraid of heights but there he was, at the highest part of the set!
Red finally emerged from the darkness after a coupla minutes...
Robi did a Guns n' Roses (woohoo!) number... Sweet Child O' Mine. I was sooo tempted to raise my hand when he was asking for some peeps from the audience to sing the part where Axl Rose wails "Where do we go now, where do we go now... where do we goooo .... oh-oh-ooh where do we gooo...sweet child... sweet chiiiiiild o' mine..." Ay grabe, I sooooo know the freakin' lyrics to that song! When I was in high school, I used to be such a BIG fan of GNR. I even called myself Axl Rose (since, uhh, my name was Aileen Rose...). But I was taking the video... so anyway, I was watching the vid this afternoon and I could hear my voice singing ala Axl Rose, haha! :P
Me to Robi (after the show): "Why were you wearing a Nirvana shirt while you were singing a Guns n' Roses song?! That was Kurt Cobain on your shirt!"
Robi: "Ahh, that was Nirvana ba?! I didn't know that!"
Me mumbling to Bianx (while taking Christian's vid the first time he came out): "Hmm... he is... hmm... hot..."
Bianx: "See! I told you he's hot!"
Me: "HE IS HOT!!!"
Christian Bautista sang "Ikaw ang Lahat sa Akin" with the guys. Not that I'm biased or anything, but I seriously like Karl's version of the song better than Christian's. It was just not the same without Karl's kulots :( Karl's version is more *hmm, what's the word...* poignant? Yes. That's it. It gives me goosebumps when I hear Karl sing that. Plus, it almost always makes me cry.
Christian was a pretty nice guy. Girls were FLOCKING to him and he handled every request for a picture and autograph with utmost patience and sincere niceness.
Tere, Robi and me...
Pau: "Wow! I like your camera! It's nice!"
Me: "Yeah! It's 4 megapixels and has 10X zoom!"
Me and Bianx (My instant official photographer for the night!)
*Meanwhile, we all thought Charo had been flushed in the toilet. She said she was just gonna go to the restroom but she never came back inside so she's not in any of the pix here. Apparently, she was sooo hungry she looked for food pala while we were inside!*
Jane, me and Tere...
Myke (noticing that I brought a different cam): "Uy! Bago yan ah!"
Yebbah! Tere and I FINALLY met the famous Chevy!
After hamming it up for the cam...
Me to Reubs (while holding and trying to move my sore neck): "Ow! Reubs! You just gave me a stiff neck! Seriously! I think I sprained my neck!"
With Franco Mabanta: THA MAN! (He's the manager of the fellas)
The last picture of the night: With Red and Tere...(Obvious bang tired and antok na ko?)
Posted by ~*lilacstardust*~ at 7/17/2004 11:19:00 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Haha. I just read my friend Tin's "Friends Only" entry at her tabulas. Her post's title was "lilacstardust: my virtual shrink".
Part of her entry read (Tin, I hope u don't mind me sharing this eensie-weensie part of your post...):
since i can't think of anything, i decided to read aileen's romantic mushy bullshits.
i really like her "writing" skills.... full of emotions. i sooo feel her pain.
Yeah. I can be sooo such a drama queen with my entries here and at Tabulas. I started blogging when sh*t happened with me and the so-called hero. Blogging is like talking to a virtual shrink -- only cheaper. And you also get to entertain the rest of the blog-hopping netizens. Plus, you get to brush up on your writing skills and vocabulary ;) Plus, you can cross you heart and make a wish that THAT PERSON gets to read your entry about HIMSELF. In a twisted way, I would really like him to stumble upon my blog. Coz I can't say what's on my mind when I am so distracted/petrified/scared/terrified by his presence. Might as well let these words reach him in some weird cosmic way.
I am so tempted to change my blog's title from "This will make perfect sense someday" to "aileen's romantic mushy bullshits". It's got so much more chutzpah than a John Mayer song could ever say.
Haha :P I wuvvv you Tin! I'm glad that you have discovered the essence of blogging. Virtual shrink diba?! ;)
Posted by ~*lilacstardust*~ at 7/13/2004 12:47:00 AM 2 comments
Monday, July 12, 2004
Holy camote(Hogi, pahiram ng term ha! :P), Hoobastank is gonna be here daw on August 17, Folk Arts Theatre?!?!
I checked their site but there's no posted tour dates for August yet. I skimmed through their message board and there's this lone post about them coming to Manila. Apparently, it has been announced over MTV. My officemate who broke the news to me also said he found out from MTV. Weeks before (around the time that Ben Jelen came here...), somebody from the Rockwell Ryan message board also mentioned that she heard from the radio that Hoobastank was coming to Manila. I just dunno though if the date and venue is correct. I tried surfing the net but I didn't find any news about it.
I think I wanna watch it. Pathetic though, coz I only know two songs by Hoobastank: Crawling in the Dark (their first breakout single --i think-- but I forget now how the song goes...) and of course, the super duper anthem of everyone... The Reason.
I think I wanna watch mainly because of the vocalist. See, I don't even know his name... ok wait, according to their site, he is *tada* Doug Robb. He reminds me of a lesser-evolved version of John Cusack... an Asian-looking, kiddie version of John Cusack... maybe John Cusack during his High Fidelity days. However, I am still torn as to who has more forehead, John Cusack or Doug Robb? Wala lang.
Very Cusack-ish, right?
I wonder what Mr. Cusack would have to say about this. Does he know that he looks like an mtv rockstar? Hmmmm.
Posted by ~*lilacstardust*~ at 7/12/2004 09:26:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 11, 2004
~* WHAT'S HAPP? *~
What was happening on the year I was born? Well, I got this link from Soulfly's blog... Oh yeah, as Chico Garcia (RX 93.1) has informed me, Night Fever by the Bee Gees was the no.1 song in Billboard the week that I was born. Galeng :)
In 1978 (the year you were born) |
Jimmy Carter is president of the US US Senate votes to turn over the Panama Canal to Panama on December 31, 1999 Israel and Egypt reach a peace settlement at the Camp David Accords The US and mainland China announce that they will restore full diplomatic relations Members of Jim Jones' People's Temple commit mass suicide in Guyana Pope John Paul II becomes the first non-Italian pope in centuries Ted Bundy is captured in Florida The first computer bulletin board system is created Garfield debuts in newspapers Ashton Kutcher, Kobe Bryant, Usher, Clay Aiken, and Nelly Furtado are born New York Yankees win the World Series Dallas Cowboys win Superbowl XII Montreal Canadiens win the Stanley Cup Saturday Night Fever and Grease are the top grossing films "Night Fever" by the Bee Gees spends the most time at the top of the US charts Diff'rent Strokes and Mork & Mindy premiere |
Posted by ~*lilacstardust*~ at 7/11/2004 01:47:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 10, 2004
Yebbah. Wala lang. I am sooo trippin' on reggae now :)... I am listening to Jam 88.3's Doobie (?) nights. Reggae bliss.
***Weird. I just heard the DJ read a greeting from some girl who was saying hi to "Reuben of the Akafellas". Funny ah... Hanggang reggae phase ko may Akafellas chuva presence pa rin! :P
feeling high :P (oh but this pic was taken the night i got home fr. the manila film fest...)
Posted by ~*lilacstardust*~ at 7/10/2004 09:59:00 PM 0 comments
I got home from a gimmick today at 6:30AM. I went out last night with my sister and her friends Abbie and Lot. The original plan was to go to a reggae bar and then go to a gay bar (I soooo haven't ever been to one and neither has my sister...). Anyway, the gay bar thing didn't push through anymore even if Gigolo was right across the reggae bar where we hung out all night.
The name of the reggae bar is Xaymaca. It's in Timog Ave. So anyway, Abby is totally into reggae and she so wanted to see Brownman Revival perform coz she heard they were really good. Haha, 'turns out that the Jamaican patty that I ate at Greenbelt was an apt prelude for the slammin' fun we had last night.
It was only last night that I appreciated reggae music. My limited knowledge is Bob Marley = Reggae. And the only reggae song I know is "No Woman, No Cry". I haven't gone dancing for a long time (the last time, I think was last Christmas party 2003 at BG's Pasay Road) and I sooo missed it! Well anyway, last night, we had our sandals off and we all danced on top of the long cushioned bench against the wall of Xaymaca. Astig, everyone was dancing during the 2nd set of the band. It was probably around 1am that time. Dancing to reggae music feels like a natural high I could have sworn the air there probably blew weed kidding!). And it's not tiring to dance to it coz you just kinda like sway and bounce a bit and thrust your arms to the beat. They sang Waiting in Vain, Reason, Red Red Wine, No Woman No Cry, that Buffalo song, The Only One and a coupla more familiar senti songs that they turned into reggae. Really cool! I never imagined that reggae was so much fun! Plus, there's this positive vibe to the place... everyone was friendly... toasting with strangers... dancing with strangers... this dude with a videocam who was videoing everyone... We met these bunch of peeps from UP (Darlene and company whose reserved table we, ermm, occupied -- ahh but it's all good!), this Swiss (?) dude named Raul who came with a bunch of alalays and bodyguards (He was annoyingly dancing with his butt right smack in front of me during the first set when no one else was actually dancing yet. But later on, we got to talk to him and he's pretty cool. He's 22 and he just came from Singapore the night before. He's on internship here and he's with this human rights group or something.) and this table-full of Korean exchange students. I got my feet wet a bit with some beer that got spilled on our table when Raul was dancing on the chair in front of us. The bar's CR is not something to be happy about though. It didn't have much water. But anyway, since you're sweating and everything when you dance, there's not much reason to go to the rest room anyway.
The view from the bench where we danced...
Brownman Revival's vocalist (Dino Concepcion) was kinda cute. I dunno though if it's another story if he takes his shades off. I read that he always wears those shades. Even in his Friendster pic. I am extremely curious to see his face up close, sans the trademark shades. Anyway, he's a good vocalist. He closed his eyes the whole time he sang as if he was sooo into the song.
The pipe-in music was cool: Santeria by Sublime, Amber by 311, Baby I Love Your Way by Big Mountain, Bob Marley stuff... Trivia for the night: I didn't know that Bob Marley was the one who originally sang Waiting in Vain. All this time I thought it was Annie Lennox!
We chatted with the new people we met after Brownman Revival's set ended around past 2am. I think we left the place past 3am.
After that, we went to Decades in Malate to eat and drink. I swear, the place is gay city! It seems all the guys there, no matter how muscled, well-dressed and good-looking, are gay. Ackk. Oh well. I was there for the daquiri and fish n' chips anyway. By the time we left Malate, it was past 5am and it was almost sunrise. Astig, grabeng gimmick 'to. This was the longest gimmick I have ever had.
When I got home, I even went online after washing my face and brushing my teeth. I think I slept around 7:30AM. Our maid woke me up at 12:45pm for lunch. After that I took a bath coz my hair smelled horrible with all that smoke. Heck, I had to shampoo twice and scrub myself to death just to get rid of the yosi smell. Now I smell all fruity with that grape seed body wash thing from Body Shop ;)
Posted by ~*lilacstardust*~ at 7/10/2004 04:07:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: gigs
Okaaaay, I'm not ashamed to admit that I like Hero Angeles! Haha! He has such cute dimples and he's like a dark version of Aga Mulach on some camera angles. And that champorado speech... *awww*
There is no denying that this kid is uber-popular. Search him up in Friendster... you'll get like about 50 different profiles. I managed to find him at Myspace. It seems pretty legit... seems like it's really his profile. Anywaaaay... I caught up late on the Star Circle Quest thing. I only watched it coz that's what was on TV during dinner time. Plus, I was curious to see Ehra's sister Michelle on it (Ehra is the girlfriend of Akafella's beatboxer DJ Myke...) The whole Sandara Parks hullabaloo, Hero Angeles looking like an F4 dude... I found Roxanne pretty and Hero, cute and humble. Joross is cute but his personality does not really appeal to me. I didn't really watch their talent portions/exercises and stuff. I was more amused at the bitchy comments of Boy Abunda (my fave Boy Abunda comment: "Sandara, para kang nag-aantay ng jeep na hindi na darating." when he commented on Sandara's acting on the Marina set) and Direk Lauren Dyogi (he's quite a hottie too!). I didn't even get to catch the finals and hear the ever-famous champorado speech of Hero. I think I was out on a gimmick that night.
So anyway, I am not in a position to vouch for his acting/singing/dancing abilities as I have not really super-watched SCQ... yet, with the sob story of Hero, my heart really goes out to him and he so deserves to be blessed by God with that SCQ prize. I never really watched Maalaala Mo Kaya but when I heard that they were doing the Hero Angeles story, I really stayed up for it. Man, it was such a big boohoo sob story. As in, super kawawa pala sya. Imagine, never really eating much and just getting by with water all day? And aww, he did not even own a decent pair of jeans. And those strapped sandals with socks that he wore to school since he was a kid. And then walking to school?! Ay grabe. Soooo kawawa, I swear. Granting that what they showed there is really faithful to the truth, I would say that Hero is a genuinely good person. As in. With all that sh*t he went through, he soooo super deserves to win. I just hope that his feet remain planted on the ground and that super stardom won't corrupt his values and principles.
Posted by ~*lilacstardust*~ at 7/10/2004 03:16:00 PM 0 comments
Last Tuesday, I met up with Rose and we had lunch at the Kitchen in Greenbelt. She gave me hers and Sheryl's super-kaduper mega late birthday gift. (My birthday was last April 20... That's how we are, even if somebody's birthday has passed a loooong time ago, basta, you still get a gift!) Anyway, I knew na what the gift was even before they gave it to me... coz a coupla weeks ago, they called me up while they were at Tower Records and then they asked me what were the CDs I found nice and like, what CD did I wanna get. Now when people ask me out of the blue what CD I would like, I know na that they're buying me one. Haha! Yup, I'm a music junkie so a CD will definitely make me smile :)
So anyway, I just wanted to share here how beautifully gift-wrapped my Dreamsounds 2 CD was. As always, Rose did such a wonderful job in wrapping it that I felt so sad to open my gift and ruin the cutesy packaging.... Anyway, I saved the dried blue rose;)
Thanks Rosey & She-pot!:) *mwah*hugz* I luuuuv the CD! Sige, I'll burn you guys a copy... I'll give it to ya the next time we meet!;)
Oh, here's my super fave track on the album:
I see the couples are walkin' by
Feel like I
Don't wanna be alone today
So glad no one can see what I hide
Deep inside
How it feels to be
The girl who never gets the right guy
Tell me why
When there`s so much I've got to give
I wake up reaching out in the night
Ready to hold him tight
'Til I realize
That nobody is there
When will it be me?
When will I be the one
Somebody's dreaming of?
When's it gonna be?
When will I find my heart
Lyin' inside the arms
That never let me go?
I'd really like to know
When will it be me?
My friends seem to have all the love
(Feels like love)
Knocks on their door and walks right in
I know that I am worthy of what I've been wishing for
I can't wait no more
Love's nowhere to be found
Feeling his tender touch
(Lying in his arms)
Talkin' bout forever together
Givin' him all my love
That's been trying to break free
Don't wanna be alone
No more
I'm telling you what I need
I want someone who loves me for me
And when will it be?
Wonder when it will be me?
I ask myself
When will it be me?
~ When Will It Be Me, Yasmeen
Posted by ~*lilacstardust*~ at 7/10/2004 02:56:00 PM 3 comments
Sunday, July 04, 2004
This is the story of a girl
Who cried a river and drowned the whole world
And while she looked so sad in photographs
I absolutely love her when she smiles
How many days in the year
She woke up with hope, but she only found tears...
This is the story of a girl
Who's pretty face she hid from the world
And while she looked so sad and lonely there
I absolutely love her.
~ Absolutely, Nine Days
After watching SATC and seeing all that happy ending for Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda , I can't help but be depressed. See, when I watch my fave stuff, I tend to relate myself to the story and the characters. So there I was relating to Big & Carrie, Miranda & Steve, Charlotte & Harry, Samantha & Smith. *sigh* Don't we all wish that we'd get our well-deserved happy ending?
Plus, it seems everybody's got the blues. Plus, there's Abbie talking about her "one true love". Plus, it's the rainy season. The rain inspires reminiscing, contemplation and tears. If you're melodramatic like me, you would know exactly what I mean. Plus, I am twenty freakin' six and I still don't have a boyfriend... I still don't have The One. Such sucky, shitty, pathetic existence. Gaaah.
How does it feel to know you'll never have to be alone when you get home?
~ Sweetest Goodbye, Maroon5
Jack Berger. He and Carrie broke up and then one day he comes back knocking at her door with flowers in hand. If I remember right, he says "I love you" to her as he stood there by her door. The next morning, Carrie wakes up without him on her bed. She sees a Post-It which read something like: "I'm sorry. Don't hate me. Goodbye." Holy crap of craps, I cried so hard during that scene as Carrie swipes the vase with those freakin' flowers (carnations?). I remebered my own version of Jack Berger. Ackkk. The so-called hero. Arghhh.
Being a sucker for dramatic shit, on the night of Sept. 11, 2003, I tore all our pictures when we were together. The pictures from the reunion, the morning after at McDo, the Starbucks Petron pictures, the pictures from Friday's Alabang during my birthday celebration and Mitzi's despedida. Those were from digital cam shots so I am not entirely worried about putting 'em back to pieces. Nevertheless, I achieved the desired effect: indulging in the drama of the reality of him abandoning me, leaving me, suddenly disappearing without a decent goodbye and never ever telling me his reasons. I took pictures of the torn prints before I threw it on the garbage. Heck, I even tore that X-men card thing that we got when we watched the movie at ATC.
I knew it'd be like this someday
Turns out someday's not so far away
And now I'm falling down
I know you'd catch me but you're not around
So when I'm all unraveled at the end of my rope
Would you burn it on the side?
And it won't be easy but I'll do my best
When it's time to say goodbye
All good things will end
Leaving me with only memories
You seem to good to be true, but then
I could have sworn that it was meant to be
~ Unraveled, Rockwell Ryan
Ahhh. Those were the days. I was freakin' deliriously happy that I sooo thought he was The One. And I felt soooo at ease with him that I didn't feel the pressure to be always pretty in front of him. And then there's this ache. Ache in my heart. I felt that when he texted me all those sweet things... when he called back after a few seconds just to tell me he forgot to say that he missed me. It was with him that I learned how "missing someone it was killing you" felt.
I feel that familiar ache once in a while when I remember him. I felt it when I texted him while I was in Bellevue with friends. His "Why are you saying this only now" reply. Sh*t of sh*ts. "We" felt soooo right, looked sooo good together, seemed sooo meant to be. But kaput. All gone. Him and his intimidated ass. I cannot blame him though for re-examining himself and dealing with his personal issues first and deciding to spare me the further agony before we actually became a couple and before we could have the potential problem of him being insecure about himself and intimidated by me and him feeling that he is incapable of making me happy. Gaah. Psycho-analyzing him is a career in itself.
But why does he text stupid forwarded messages sometimes? Is it for the same reason that I once rummaged for stupid forwarded texts to send him (and even asked Abbie to send me harmless stupid ones coz I ran out of 'em)?
Aidan. He loved Carrie too much but Carrie was just so scared of fully committing to him. She evaded his starry-eyed marriage proposal by the fountain the second time around. He sees in her eyes that she will never ever be ready to marry him. She broke his heart once again. And so he bid her goodbye. Gaaah. I sooo liked the Aidan-Carrie thing. But Aidan loved Carrie more than Carrie loved him. Carrie loved Aidan but she also loved Big. Arghh. Aidan was always forgiving her when she hurt him. But ultimately, Aidan just gives up on her, on "them". 'Cried buckets of tears on that episode.
Somebody asked me how I felt about T2. I told that person that I loved him but I just could not see myself marrying him. I love him as a person, as a friend. I have nothing bad to say against him. He was good to me and I could clearly see that he loved me more than I loved him.
He was my first love. I had a crush on him since we were in grade 4. When we were about to graduate from high school, he gave me this letter. It was a confession: that he had loved me since we were in grade 6. But he thought I didn't like him coz I was always sungit to him. Gaah. I do that to my crushes. I pretend that I don't care about them. I don't smile at them. I don't chat them up. (And that's what I'm doing to my current O of A. Ha!:p)
Our relationship is such a sick cycle. After we broke up, he'd come back to me but I was not into him. And then I'd miss him and come back to him but then he'd not be into me at that time. Back and forth. Coming back and leaving. We are still doing that til now. We could never ever find ourselves both in love with each other at the same time. Twisted, isn't it?
But I find it eerie how he pops back into my life at the oddest points: when I had totally given up on my ideal one (ITY from college), when shit happened with his other friend and I, when I was trying to get over the so-called hero, and now, when I'm currently crushing on this guy. Twisted. Sometimes I can't help but wonder if he is the one that was meant for me by God. Otherwise, why would he keep popping up like that? Is God giving me my nth chance for real love? Am I ignoring it when it's right under my nose?
What if we were wrong about each other?
What if you were really made for me?
What if we were supposed to be together?
Would that not mean anything?
What if that was supposed to be my house that you go home to every day?
How can you be sure that things are better?
If you can't be sure your heart is still here with me
Still wanting me
~ What If, Babyface
Petrovsky the Russian asked Carrie "Why? Has no one ever read you a poem?" And Carrie says that no one ever did. Then I remembered that lyrics of that song about me that he wrote. He wrote it on one of those love letters of his. Man, that was what I loved back then. He wrote me letters. I still have them tucked in my old diary along with those little notes with his tiny handwriting that he used to pass to me back in 4th year high school.
But why did my heart not do double flip-flops when we went to Festival Mall to window-shop for his new watch and even when we held hands during the Lord's Prayer when we heard mass at that church near ATC? I went with him that day because I wanted to give it a shot. But he did not make my heart ache like the so-called hero did. I tried Lord. I did try.
There was once this "Top Ten Reasons Why You Won't Get Back With Your Ex" in Chico & Delamar's morning show... I found the answer I've been looking for in one of the entries they read: "Because I don't want to hurt the one who loves me more." There. Crystal clear. I have hurt him so bad (though I did not ever mean to do it) he's probably scarred for life. The last thing I want is to hurt a good person like him. He deserves to be happy.
He was always there to help her
She always belonged to someone else...
I drove for miles and miles
And wound up at your door
I've had you so many times but somehow
I want more
I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
She will be loved
My heart is full and my door's always open
You can come anytime you want...
(I) Know all of the things that make you who you are
I know that goodbye means nothing at all
Comes back and begs me to catch her every time she falls.
~ She Will Be Loved, Maroon 5
There. That's probably his song for me.
And you know what I think the so-called hero would have been thinking when he decided to walk out of my life?
I don't understand why
See it's burning me to hold onto this
I know this is something I gotta do
But that don't mean I want to
What I'm trying to say is that I-love-you I just
I feel like this is coming to an end
And its better for me to
Let it go now than hold on and hurt you
I gotta let it burn
... Plus there's so many other things I gotta deal with
I think that you should let it burn.
And I wish he is still singing it now:
Deep down you know it's best for yourself but you
Hate the thought of her being with someone else
But you know that it's over
You know it was through
Sendin' pages I ain't supposed to
Got somebody here but I want you
Cause the feelin ain't the same...
... It's the way I feel
I know I made a mistake
Now it's too late
I know she ain't comin back
What I gotta do now
To get my shorty back
Man I don't know what I'm gonna do
Without my boo...
~ Burn, Usher
All my pride is all I have
You'll be needin' me, but too bad
the path you chose to run along
Here with me you had a home.
~ All I Have, J Lo/LL Cool J
The current O of A is turning out to be another ITY. Mr. Nice Guy and nothing more than that. And we all know how I cried about the college guy and how loooong before I ever got over my stupid feelings for him. Ahh, ITY the ever-nice gentleman, the benchmark of my ideal man. And so far I have only seen ITY in my current O of A. The Unattainable One. It's still purely infatuation at this point. Sometimes I think don't even want to get to know him better because I know that'll be just digging my own grave. Let him be a stranger, an illusion, an unstained persona of someone who could have been wonderful to have.
Darn it, I am geographically undesirable. That does not even help my bruised low self-esteem and shattered self-confidence. What is wrong with me? Why can't I ever find a man whom I'd love and who'd love me back? Am I ugly? Is it because my boobs aren't big? Is it coz I'm not the sexy vavavoom type? Am I boring? Uninteresting? Plain Jane? Am I destined to be alone forever? Why not tell me now, God, so I can save up and be a filthy rich single gal who travels all over the world (I sooo want to see Europe)? Will I ever find The One? Why not tell me now so I won't have to hold on to dear hope and whisper prayers everytime I am starting to fall for a guy?
Why is it easy for some people and not for me? Why do they find it just like that, like it just falls on their laps and I don't?
It just breaks my heart sometimes when I see a couple holding hands. I am not even envious about the kissing. It's all about having that hand to hold for the rest of your life... waking up and the first thing you see is him... being comforted by him after you had such a really bad day at work and then he suddenly, magically makes things better just by being there for you at the end of the day.
Okay. You are probably gagging over all this romantic mushy bullsh*t of a saga that I just wrote. So I am gonna stop.
Why can't we all get our much-deserved happy ending?
There's a lot of things I understand
And there's a lot of things that I don't want to know
But you're the only face I recognize
It's so damn sweet of you to look me in the eyes
It's alright, I'm ok
I think God can explain
I believe I'm the same
I get carried away
It's alright, I'm ok
I think God can explain
I'm relieved, I'm relaxed
I'll get over it, yeah
The world seems bigger than both of us
Yet it seems so small when I begin to cry.
~ I Think God Can Explain, Splender
Posted by ~*lilacstardust*~ at 7/04/2004 02:23:00 AM 1 comments
Saturday, July 03, 2004
Everybody's got the blues. It's the rainy season. The rain inspires reminiscing, contemplation and tears. If you're melodramatic like me, you would know exactly what I mean. Heck, even watching Sex & the City makes me cry! Aww. I just finished Season 6 today. From Big, to Aidan, to Berger, to Petrovsky... Ahhh. I have rode the emotional roller coaster ride with Carrie Bradshaw. I cried, I sighed. I like all of 'em except for The Russian. Can I spill the ending? (Now I know it ain't airing yet in HBO Asia. But, heck, I can't hardly wait so I finished the entire thing down to the last DVD minute!) Carrie ends up with John. Who's John? Hah! It's for you to find out if you haven't gotten your hands on the DVD set yet ;)
I like what they did to Samantha's character and her relationship with Smith. (Ahh, but you may say, after watching the entire thing, that the Smith character is just too good to be true. Such a LOYAL hot boy.) Here's my fave line from Smith... Samantha and Smith are walking down the street and Smith tries to hold Samantha's hand. Samantha freaks out and Smith vents out his frustration:SMITH: I like you. You like me. Enough of this horsesh*t! Just f@#%ing hold my hand!
He tries to hold her hand again and in the process of avoiding holding hands with him, Samantha loses her balance and falls into one of those hatches along the sidewalk. Hilarious, I tell you!
Then there's this part wherein Carrie is talking on the phone with Miranda who was shopping for a wedding dress:
CARRIE: Oh my god, Miranda, you're my cynical touchstone! Do you promise to still be cynical even after you're married?
And my super favorite quote ever, said by Carrie Bradshaw herself as she was breaking up with The Russian:
CARRIE: Maybe it's time to be clear about who I am... I am someone who is looking for love... real love... ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming, can't-live-without-each-other love and I don't think that love is here in this expensive suite in this lovely hotel in Paris.
And the gushiest line I ever heard from Big:
BIG: It took me a really long time to get here, but I'm here. Carrie, you're the one.
Awww. It's sad that SATC is over :(
Posted by ~*lilacstardust*~ at 7/03/2004 09:01:00 PM 2 comments
I have just finished Season 6 of Sex and the City. After eating breakfast at almost 11am today, I proceeded to watching the last 10 episodes of Season 6. I watched 10 freaking episodes the entire day and now I have a bit of a migraine goin' on. Arghhh. Oh but it was sooo worth it. I luuuv Sex and the City! I cried, I laughed, I gushed... Such a darn good series! I have always thought of myself as a cross between Charlotte and Miranda. Like Charlotte, I'm a sucker for love and mush... an idealist sometimes. Like Miranda, I tend to be bitchy about love (if only for defense mechanism) and in such dark days, I tend to be cynical and be a bit of a pessimist. So anyway, I took this test I stumbled upon while surfing for SATC stuff:
You scored 60% Charlotte
A romantic at heart, you chose the answers that demure Charlotte may have chosen. Strongly influenced by the intuitive, profound and sometimes naïve Water Signs -- Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces -- you're like a mother, a mystery and a poet all in one. Though on the surface you may seem innocent and all about seeking the good in people, beneath the surface, you hide secret yearnings for intimacy, for attachment and ideal love. You're seeking a knight in shining armor, a soul mate, someone who will complete you and tether you to the earth when you get carried away with your fantasies. You're super-sensitive, soaking up the moods of others; you emote freely, crying at commercials and sappy movies. You also provide a shoulder to cry on and open arms for hugs. Be careful that you're not so wide-eyed and trusting that you get taken in by some cunning wolf in sheep's clothing.
You scored 20% Carrie
Your answers peg you as a Carrie-type, much influenced by the Air Sign qualities associated with Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Like confident Carrie, a sex columnist, you're curious and perceptive, always seeking answers and never satisfied with the superficial. An Air Sign influence can lead to indecision and an avoidance of tough issues, like with Carrie and her on-again, off-again attachment to Mr. Big. Forward-thinking, incredibly intelligent and witty, you just exude quirky charm. You'd be utterly bored by someone who's just a pretty face or hot body -- though you don't mind looking and flirting! You're more turned on by an equally smart and funny mate, someone who challenges your mind and makes you laugh. You love to talk, so you need a good listener who's open to playful and eccentric ideas about love and lovemaking.
You scored 10% Samantha
You identify with Samantha's bold and liberated Fire Sign qualities, characteristics associated with the Signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. You're strong, audacious and larger than life -- and you take what you want! Sometimes you can even be thoughtless and selfish, as you get so caught up in craving immediate gratification and excitement that you overlook someone's feelings. Your personal style likely reflects your desires: sleek, low-cut, revealing just a bit more than might be considered acceptable. Watch that you're not coming on too strong, though. You could scare potential suitors off with all your drama. If you seek so much attention, the more basic qualities of the Fire Signs could be burned right out of the picture. Show less skin or cleavage and more of your creativity, your vibrant leadership skills and courageous generosity!
You scored 10% Miranda
You chose many of the same answers that Earth Sign-like Miranda, the cynical but pragmatic lawyer, might have chosen. Just like Miranda's had a tough time deciding whether to give in to the affections of Steve the Bartender, you don't give your heart up to just anyone. Miranda shies away from a relationship with Steve because he's 'just' a bartender, not something more conventionally ambitious or stable. Those with powerful Earth Sign qualities -- characteristics associated with Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn -- are cautious in love and seek stability and status over nearly anything else. Earth Signs provide a steady, realistic attitude and they can bring order out of chaos. A little-known Earth Sign fact: Incredibly sensual, you seethe beneath that smart, expensive business suit of yours, yearning for intimacy but hesitant to give up your material needs, your career ambitions or your responsibilities for a passionate moment that might not turn out the way you'd hope.
Posted by ~*lilacstardust*~ at 7/03/2004 06:44:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 01, 2004
~* ACKKK...TING *~
Ackkk. It IS very hard to act nonchalant about it. Oh but then I am an unwilling expert (or so I think) on unrequited admiration.
Since the moment I spotted you
walking round with little wings on my shoes
My stomach's filled with the butterflies... and it's alright
Bouncing 'round from cloud to cloud
I got the feeling like I'm never gonna come down
If I said I didn't like it then you know I'd lied
Every time I try to talk to you
I get tongue-tied (turns out)
everything I say to you
Comes out wrong and never comes out right
So I'll say why don't you and I get together and take on the world
and be together forever
Heads we will and tails we'll try again
So I say why don't you and I hold each other and fly to the moon
and straight on to heaven
Cause without you they're never gonna let me in
When's this fever gonna break?
I think I've handled more than any man can take
I'm like a love-sick puppy chasing you around
And it's alright
Bouncing round from cloud to cloud
I got the feeling like I'm never gonna come down
If said I didn't like it then you know I'd lied
And slowly I begin to realize this is never gonna end
Right about the same time you walk by
And I say 'Oh here we go again'Oohh..
~ Why Don't You And I, Santana feat. Alex Band Of The Calling
As in "Shiyeeeet. Holy cow. HERE WE GO AGAIN!" *arghhh* every. friggin'. time. ;P
Our little secret just might be the kind of thing that you can't hide
It's growing like a tangled vine & rising like a river in the tide
And everybody knew when you walked into the room
I was just a fool for you, nothing I could do
Everybody sees you taking control of me
Well I'm not begging for release
I'm just begging darling please, please
Act Naturally
Don't let our troubles show
Don't let anybody know
Till we get it figured out
Don't give them anything that they could doubt
Our little problem doesn't seem to be about to go away
As far as I can tell it's gonna keep on showing more with every day
And everybody look, yeah, that was all it took
I can't help believing they can read me like a book
So hide your feelings tight till we figure how to make it right
I don't know what I should but I
Would do it if I could
Act Naturally
Just be you beautiful
Just be you casual
I'll be me before the fall
You be you before this all came down
~ Act Naturally, Semisonic
Hayyy. It shouldn't have come out like that. Suddenly, the whole freakin' world knows. Ackkkk. I was actually doing fine in my own little corner, side-glancin' and quietly pining. Ackkk talaga. *arghhhh* This is getting to be so hard. I hate it, I hate it! :(
Like, as if "Wow. Gee. This makes me feel a whole lot better. Thank you for messing with me." *smell the burning sarcasm*
So help me dear God. Oops, I did it again. I have thrown myself into a rut. It's not fun anymore. It's not funny ha. Grr. Sadness.
Posted by ~*lilacstardust*~ at 7/01/2004 11:48:00 PM 0 comments
~* NOW PLAYING: Sweetest Goodbye by Maroon5 *~
Yeah. I changed my background music again. This is sooo my fave song nowadays...
Where you are seems to be as far as an eternity
Outstretched arms, open hearts,
If it never ends, then when do we start?
I'll never leave you behind,
Or treat you unkind
I know you understand
And with a tear in my eye
Give me the sweetest goodbye
That I ever did receive
Pushing forward and arching back
Bring me closer to heart attack
Say goodbye and just fly away
When you come back,
I have some things to say
How does it feel to know you'll never have to be alone
When you get home?
Dream away everyday
Try so hard to disregard
The rhythm of the rain that drops
And coincides with the beating of my heart
I'll never leave you behind,
Or treat you unkind
I know you understand
And with a tear in my eye
Give me the sweetest goodbye
That I ever ever ever did receive
How does it feel to know you'll never have to be alone
When you get home?
There must be someplace here that only you and I could go
So I can show you how I feel
How does it feel to know you'll never have to be alone
When you get home?
There must be someplace here that only you and I could go
So I can show you how I feel.. feel.. feel.. feel
Posted by ~*lilacstardust*~ at 7/01/2004 10:59:00 PM 0 comments
Ackkk. I thought no one I knew saw me on TV last Monday (the Manila Film Fest's delayed telecast at RPN 9). Apparently, Sybs saw me. Haha! We were seated on row 5 and the camera man onstage who was stationed on the presenters' podium plus the camera on the crane were near us. I knew we were focused for a sec when Mayor Atienza was doing his opening speech. Haha, Rico didn't like it! He and Jane who sat beside me were caught by the cam while they were looking up towards the wide screen on our right. As for me, when I feel the cam on me, I consciously avoid looking at the monitor/screen. So here... I thought of some "don'ts" in connection with such "chance" TV appearances:
1. Thou shall not look directly onto the camera... Pretend to be oblivious of it. (Unless you want to look super-conscious and uneasy about it.)
2. Thou shall have to look attentive of what's happening onstage. (i.e. Thou shall not be caught yawning, slouching, texting or chatting with your seatmate... It's your unguaranteed split-second of non-existent fame and you don't want to be seen by half of the Philippine population looking very stupid.)
3. Thou shall not look at the widescreen monitor (unless you wanna be seen with your eyes rolled all the way up. Very unflattering, I tell you. Oh, and when you ARE actually caught looking up on the screen, DO NOT search for the cam that is pointed at you. You will just make things go from bad to worse. Ackk.)
4. Thou shall know which is thy best angle. (You have 1:100 chance to be seen on national television. Now go face the camera on your best angle and make yer momma proud of those darn cheekbones! Teehee.)
5. Thou shall text your doting mom and dad to watch out for that split-second exposure of yours while the camera was panning amongst the sea of audience. (This works to your advantage when it's on delayed telecast. You'll have ample time to text the whole baranggay. Haha!) *Okay, I just texted my mom, hehe, not really the entire contact list on my phone book!*
Hermmm. I remember last year's Ad Congress Araw Awards which was on delayed telecast at ANC (?). We were seated at the *super* front, as in right smack at the cameras and we kept being caught on-cam as in always "extra" coz right behind us was David Guerrero's BBDO-Guerrero posse who kept reaping awards in almost all categories. Syempre, since they start focusing on the winner from the time they stand up from their seats until they go up and down the stage, the cameras kept panning on us. Ackkk. It was like "Ops, ops, ops, walang tulugan!" ... 'Can't be caught dead doing unglamorous stuff! Funny how ALL our moms (mine, Jane's, Vic's and Bianx's) texted us just to excitedly say that they saw their beloved daughter on TV. Aww, our loving mommies! :)
There. Haha, as if my split-second exposure really matters to anyone! :P
Posted by ~*lilacstardust*~ at 7/01/2004 07:05:00 PM 0 comments