I have fulfilled another item in my Things To Do Before I Shrivel & Die list! *whoopie!* I went parasailing at Subic Bay last Friday, April 22 around 4PM. It was a 15-minute ride up in the sky! My nephew and my bro-in-law accompanied me to be my official videographer ;-) At first, when the crew was "reeling" me off upwards, I was kinda scared... I was screaming as I was going farther and farther away from the speedboat where my parachute was tied to. But once you're up there... wow! The view from the top was absolutely breathtaking! The entire Subic landscape on one side and the setting sun on the other. Below are these little birds (seagulls???) flying above the deep blue water. It felt so serene and exhilarating up there that I was so tempted to make ala Leonardo di Caprio in Titanic and do the "I-am-the-king-of-the-world" scream... But then again I did not dare let go of my tight grip on the harness! It was slightly alarming though when I would hear the ropes creak as it shifted with the wind. It's quite scary too when you look directly below you -- nothing but deep blue water! Paranoid thoughts like: "what if the rope broke loose?", "what if my saddle & harness got unhooked from the parachute?", "shucks! will I drown (despite of the lifevest I'm wearing) if I plummet into the deep blue sea?" crossed my mind. But then, once I looked above me, the rainbow-colored parachute billowing against the wind, I thought: "this soooo kicks ass!!!"


Here are the other pictures from our family vacation (in celebration of my Dad's birthday and my parents' anniversary)...

at Camayan Beach, Subic Bay

at Subic Park View Hotel... me and my nephew going crazy with the digicam :P
cool pictures! how much did it cost and where can we avail of it? thank you. =)
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