Last night my sister and I went out to watch The Jerks at 70s Bistro. I vaguely know them as this classic rock band who's probably like the idols of Eheads or something. After hearing one set, I realized I have already been hearing their songs at NU107 during Remote Ctrl Weekend... especially that song about death which was based on this Dylan Thomas poem we studied in EngLit... the one that went: "do not go gently into that good night... rage, rage against the dying of the light..."
After that, we went to Xaymaca to catch the 2nd set of Brownman Revival. Ahh, I missed reggae dancing! Twas a feel-good experience to dance along BMR's songs again :-)
Last weekend, I went out with
Abbie, Tin & Charo to have my post-bday dinner. We visited Abbie at the
Transport Show at Megamall first. Holy cow, since there was a mall sale, it pretty much looked like EDSA revolution in Megamall! Ugh. I hate monstrous shopping crowds! Anyway, the Transport Show was, expectedly, full of guys... guys who ogle over cars! Haha! I was telling Tin & Charo that I couldn't see what the big fuss was about with all those cars that had people endlessly snapping photos of 'em, admiring the big-ass engine and sound system and whatever else one was supposed to be excited about with cars. I only got truly interested
(and, okay, "mildly excited") when I saw this car
(don't ask me what kind-- they all look the same to me! :p ) which was painted in purplish, deep pink and blue hues which reminded me of iridescent nail polish.

Tin, Charo & I had dinner at
Aruba in
Metrowalk (yey. first time for me to ever set foot at Metrowalk!) and waited for Abbie to arrive from her team dinner. Aruba's a nice place and the food was good. But the music is just not my thing though. Some girl was singing with the band... you know, typical show band music which bored me to tears. haha.

When Abbie got to Aruba, we decided to go to
Xaymaca to spend our night
(errm, more like morning) until it was time to send off Charo at St. Luke's Hospital for their company outing. We got to Xaymaca around 12mn as
Hemp Republic was finishing off their set. Got to watch
Peacepipe for the next set. It was my first time to be at the reggae bar on a Saturday as I only get to go there on Fridays when Brownman Revival is playing. And when it's BMR Friday, the place would be like a tiny jam-packed sweaty box of happy dancing people. Well that night when Peacepipe was playing, the place was full but not packed to the very inch. Just enough crowds happily dancing and jumping about. I think we left Xaymaca around 2:30am.
On the eve of my bday last April, I treated my officemates
Jane & Ed (my bosses),
Vic & Bianx for my bday dinner at
Italianni's. Had quite a laugh with their crew's usual bday song & dance number :)
deym. they spelled my name wrong :p