Posted by ~*lilacstardust*~ at 5/22/2008 10:08:00 PM 0 comments
My friends (Tin& Abbie and the coosome-twosome Charo & Jako) and I just came from a memorable vacation in Vigan, Ilocos Sur last May 16-17. I'll post more details/photos once I've gathered all my thoughts and have collected all the photos from the digicams of Jako & Charo, Tin and Abbie ;-)
Posted by ~*lilacstardust*~ at 5/19/2008 07:56:00 PM 1 comments
As rickey.org states: OMG — Are they testing out the waters for a CORONATION SONG? *gasp*
As I heard the first few notes of the violin, I got goosebumps... in the same vein as his live performance of "Always be my Baby", the violin accompaniment totally added an extra dose of awesomeness (Barney HIMYM talking!) to David Cook's performance of "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing". I actually liked this better than his "Dare You to Move" number (which I felt was a bit bitin). I do hope iTunes would have the full version of both Aerosmith and Switchfoot covers (is that too much to ask?!). His "First Time Ever I Saw Your Face" performance proves that he can still do mellow numbers as good as his rock-out performances.
So okay, 'gotta admit that David Archuleta -- even if he seemed to be out of breath while trying to do the R&B dance while singing -- was cute when he did Chris Brown's "With You". At least he tried to sing something more pop than his usual power ballads...
Simon says: David Cook wins the night!
I say: DAVID COOK is THE American Idol of Season 7!!!
Posted by ~*lilacstardust*~ at 5/14/2008 09:56:00 PM 0 comments
First off, let's define plagiarism:
According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, to "plagiarize" means
1. to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own
2. to use (another's production) without crediting the source
3. to commit literary theft
4. to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source.
In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else's work and lying about it afterward.
But can words and ideas really be stolen?
According to U.S. law, the answer is yes. The expression of original ideas is considered intellectual property, and is protected by copyright laws, just like original inventions. Almost all forms of expression fall under copyright protection as long as they are recorded in some way (such as a book or a computer file).
All of the following are considered plagiarism:
* turning in someone else's work as your own
* copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit
* failing to put a quotation in quotation marks
* giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation
* changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit * copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up the majority of your work, whether you give credit or not (see our section on "fair use" rules)
If I change the words, do I still have to cite the source?
Changing only the words of an original source is NOT sufficient to prevent plagiarism. You must cite a source whenever you borrow ideas as well as words.
So anyway, I just got this comment from my post re: my Mantigue Island/Camiguin trip last year. The anonymous poster asked if this was my multiply account. When I checked the link he/she gave, I realized why he/she thought it was my multiply. I read familiar words! The pathetic literary-retard/plagiarist blogger has copied virtually everything from my post! The nerve!
Click on the photos to see what Lala the Blog Plagiarist posted on her site... I screencapped it just in case she restricts viewing rights/deletes her multiply post in this URL:
b) she graduated from plagiarism university and majored in copy-pasting
c) she super-flunked all her English and Literature classes so she doesn't know how to construct words into this simple intelligible body of work called "blog"
d) she thought it was a one in a million probability that I would find out that she ripped off my blog post
e) she is a massive disgrace to the blogosphere and she is too much of a dunce to actually know that
f) she is royally constipated coz her subject and verb disagreed with her.
Feel free to add more reasons.
Posted by ~*lilacstardust*~ at 5/12/2008 09:19:00 PM 10 comments
Labels: plagiarism
After our conference in Indonesia, we stayed overnight at the Carlton Hotel in Singapore. We checked in and then went to the nearby Raffles City mall. The peculiar thing I noticed in Singapore was that sunset came around 7:30PM. Anyway, around 8PM, Ed's former colleague in Kodak Singapore brought us at the East Coast Parkway for a sumptuous dinner feast of black pepper crab, chili crab, prawns and fish at the Red House seafood restaurant. After dinner, we had a joyride into the city and passed by Clarke Quay, the Merlion Park, CHIJMES, one of the routes for the upcoming F1 Grand Prix on Sept, etc.
MAY 1:
We went to Ikea and shopped for home stuff. I wish I could furnish my bedroom and office space with Ikea stuff... their items are nice :)
After Ikea, we went back to the hotel and checked out. The others prepared for their flight back home while Vic and I proceeded to Hotel Royal at Newton Street to check in for an overnight stay. Our former officemate Melis who had just relocated to Singapore with her family met us for lunch. We ate lunch at Doc Green's at VivoCity. Shopped around and bought a pair of white sandals at Charles and Keith and a black Bossini top for office wear. We then ate an early dinner at the Food Republic atop VivoCity, where the wading pools were and where one could see the entrance to Sentosa.
see the yellow sentosa express train behind me?
with vic and melis (see the cable cars to sentosa behind us)
wading pools full of children behind me...
Posted by ~*lilacstardust*~ at 5/05/2008 06:22:00 PM 5 comments
the hotel lobby and the fish faucet that fascinated me...
beautifully crafted indonesian dolls/puppets for sale at the hotel shop...
Upon arrival at Bintan Lagoon Resort, the first few things we saw in our room was a can of Baygon spray and packs of a local insect repellent. Hmm. That didn't offer a comforting thought. I guess we were in the company of a variety of island bugs, yikes! True enough, our al fresco welcome dinner by the beach was occasionally marked with a small insect drowning on the strawberry syrup for the dessert cakes and some big bugs flying over our starry starry night sky.
tourists beware... arm thyself with this!
the entrance to pasar oleh oleh
bintang beer served on a heineken mug, hehe...
a traditional hut at the middle of the plaza
On April 30, we had a team building at the Adventure Training Centre, conducted by Focus Adventure. Man, I am so not outdoorsy but I had fun doing the giant seesaw thing :) Didn't have as much fun though on the wooden skis thing coz it was so exhausting to pull the ropes up -- I had chafed my palms red in the process :( Had to hold ice cubes on my hand to relieve the redness. BUt anyway, overall, the team building day was fun. But come night time when we were already in Singapore, I felt my upper thighs ache from all that effort I don't normally exert everyday.
Posted by ~*lilacstardust*~ at 5/05/2008 03:09:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: travel
:: MUSIC ::
30 seconds to mars * alicia keys * bamboo * barbie almalbis * brownman revival * damien rice * dicta license * dido * eraserheads (circa 90s) * faspitch * hale * incubus * john mayer * justin timberlake * kate havnevik * linkin park * lisa loeb * maroon 5 * natasha bedingfield * new radicals * panic! at the disco * rampqueen * regina spektor * sarah mclachlan * spongecola * stonefree * sugarfree * the magic numbers * updharmadown *urbandub
:: MOVIES ::
50 first dates * a walk to remember * before sunrise/sunset
bridget jones: edge of reason * closer * crazy/beautiful * dream for an insomniac * el crimen del padre amaro * high fidelity * just married * love actually * music from another room * reality bites * the break-up * the holiday * the notebook * untamed heart * when harry met sally * wicker park
:: ACTORS ::
adam sandler * ben stiller * ethan hawke * gael garcia bernal * john cusack * scott speedman
:: BOOK ::
by the river piedra i sat down and wept * the five people you meet in heaven * he's just not that into you * it's called a break-up because it's broken * men are from mars, women are from venus * message in a bottle * the notebook