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Sunday, October 09, 2005


My officemates and I went to see Dubai {Claudine Barretto/Aga Mulach/John Lloyd Cruz starrer} the other day at Greenbelt 3. It's shot & printed on Kodak film so it was technically an "official business" thing for us and we got to reimburse our movie tickets (yey! i love this job!) and get off work early to catch the 4:30pm screening. The movie's okay but I didn't cry like some viewers did. I dunno if maybe it was because I am not fond of John Lloyd at all. Aga is still such a cutie despite his age and father-figure status. Claudine, as usual, had this enviable super flawless skin (even on extreme close-ups!). I liked Milan more than Dubai. I was moved by Piolo Pascual's acting there. But anyway... Funny how I could relate in some of the scenes in Dubai. Since the theater was half-empty on a Thursday afternoon screening, I did not feel the need to tone down my comments. On that part wherein Aga made "indian" to Claudine, I blurted out: "tsk. he's just not that into you!". As for Aga's character, I was like: "See?! He's generally a nice guy to everybody but when it comes to girls, he's such an asshole!". [Aga's character helped out financially-burdened fellow-OCWs. He was portrayed as this very good "ulirang" brother to John Lloyd's character. BUT, he has non-serious relationships with both Claudine and Phoemela B.'s character.] Typical player. Sounds extreeeemely familiar. Nice guys whom you'd love to be friends with but it would be a very bad idea to be romantically involved with. Steer clear of these types. They will only break your heart. Hehe. Aga's character really hit close to home! Anyway, at the end of the movie, after breaking Claudine's heart and everything, he tells her: "I am very sorry for all the hurt I've caused you." with matching tears. Aww. As pointed out by my officemate: "See?! It doesn't matter how long it's been but at least he said sorry." Yes. Amen to that. It doesn't matter if someone broke your heart ages ago... years ago... Hearing that person apologize & admit to his mistakes, and realize that he has caused you pain is probably the greatest contributor to one's healing process. "SORRY" is such a short 5-letter word but to hear it heartfelt from someone would free your heart more than 10-folds from the resentment and anger that you've been harboring for so long. Sorry seems to be the hardest word to say (hmm, maybe along with "I love you"). I find it noble for a person to actually say that and really mean it.


Last Friday, I went out with my sister to watch her acoustic band/friends at Corick's. The band's called "W2i". They performed an eclectic set of songs ranging from showband staples to r&b stuff to some alternative stuff. It's a cozy place where regulars jam with the band and have their 5 minutes or so glory on stage. My very own sister sang two songs with them. They were asking me to sing but hell no, not on a first visit! Haha.

After the gig, we went out for coffee (but I had green tea) at a nearby 24-hr coffee shop. My sister's band friends were nice fun people to converse with. We decided to call it a night (day?!) at around hmm past 3am, I think. I got home around 4am.


Yesterday, Abbie called me up and asked if I'd like to go out and hang out with the rest of the girls. With Abbie being her "labo" self as usual, she ended up not joining us. I was with Tin and Apple. We went to Makati first to arrange menu and stuff for Apple's upcoming birthday bash at this relatively new bar called "Anna's Place" (yeah. such an imaginative name, right?! hehe). After being done with the b-day arrangements, we proceeded to BF Homes in Parañaque to check out this bar that they read a review of from FHM. I dunno the spelling but I think it was called Raff77 or something like that. The food was okay... we were like a bunch of famished chicks demanding them to hurry up with our quick order for potato wedges since it was already past 9pm and none of us had dinner yet ;P There was an acoustic band there that played typical pop/alternative stuff. I think they were called Candyflip. Looked like they were college kids. Anyway, the entire place was basically filled with college-looking kids who seemed to know almost everyone around. It felt like that cafe/bar in One Tree Hill. Haha.

Anyway, after the first set ended there, we proceeded to this interesting-looking bar (still in BF Homes) called I AM SAM. Better bunch of crowd than Raff's. There was no band playing, just loud club music. So after the waiter took our orders, we asked him the question most probably every freakin' newbie there asked: "So who's Sam?". Well, we found out that nobody there was named Sam and they really just got it from the Dakota Fanning movie which, by the way, had totally no relation at all whatsoever with a bar or a club or anything like that. Weird.

Had a cool time there. Their Kamikaze was not the usual mix I had in other bars. It seemed too strong for me coz, oddly, even with a full stomach (I just ate chicken lollipop w/ garlic rice at Raff's!) I totally felt tipsy. Gaaah. I tasted this drink called "White Russian" that Apple had. It was yummy! I'll order that the next time I'm in a bar...

Funny. So I can pass for 22 thereabouts? Haha. That's cool! I had a good time chatting with this cute guy from DLSU. I cannot say though if Apple and Tin were as pleased with the other guy beside them. Haha :P

Tin, that was fun! Take me to more night-outs like that ha! :)