We attended my cousin RJ's (Ruby Jean) wedding yesterday at Victoria, Laguna. {SIDE NOTE: *Gasp* I've been overtaken! She's just around 24! And me, holy cow, I'm 27! *panic mode*} The color motif was lavender so I was happy to see a lot of that color everywhere :) The flower girls had purple butterfly wings strapped on them so they looked adorable. Later on, after the wedding rites, some of us were given a thin paper with a butterfly in it, then we all released the butterflies at the same time. Funny, since my lola (but we still call her tita!) had kinda poor eyesight, she didn't know what the thin paper was for, so, umm, she accidentally disabled the hapless butterfly. It got a bit squished :( Awww.
Ok, here's a funny anecdote: so the pastor goes on explaining marriage stuff during the rites and he happens to mention Elton John and gay marriages... my 10 yr. old nephew whispers to me: "Anong ibig sabihin ng gay marriage?" Oh. Great. How do I explain gay marriages being legal in some countries? And in the first place, how do I explain man to man/woman to woman marriage per se? I was not sure if I had to define the word "gay" first to him. I was stalling when he goes: "Gay? Ano yun, bakla?... bakit... bakla ba yung babae (referring to my cousin RJ, the bride)?" Haha! That cracked me up! He was confused coz come to think of it "RJ" sounded like a guy's name. Hehe :P

the bride's my cousin :) ... there i was, releasing my butterfly... one of the butterflies stuck on the shoulder of my cousin. he was not too happy with that. hehe. he was afraid of it!
me and my cousins