"We're giving it up and just a little more
This heartfelt leap I surrender
With arms raised tonight..."
{{ first of summer }}
Tin and I went to San Mig pub in ATC last night to catch an Urbandub gig. The gig was one of those
"sulit" ones coz Up dharma Down was in the band line-up for the night. Plus, Paramita and Bitter Pill also played. The bands started playing around 10:30pm and were done by 2AM.
First up was
Bitter Pill. Their music is something like
Pedicab's. The guitarist is the same
kulit dude from
Sandwich. I remember hearing him one time over NU107, with
Quark Henares... saying
"fluxkhaki" all over the place. Til now, I have no idea wtf
"fluxkhaki" means... They have a female bassist. [Side note: hmm, what's with females playing bass guitar in rock bands? think: Smashing Pumpkins, Sandwich/Imago, Urbandub...] Anyway, they were pretty entertaining--looking quasi-wasted and having a good time playing their music.
(hey, you can spot the the Bitter Pill vocalist on Urbandub's "First of Summer" video--he appeared as the dj in the dance club. He's kinda cute.)

Paramita also played. Noticeable crowd feedback when they sang "Hiling". I've respect for Ria coz it is quite a feat playing the drums and singing at the same time.
It was my first time to watch Up dharma Down and wow, I must say, they are good! I love their sound -- perfect for chilling out. It sends you tripping out or something like that.

mtv get spotted: miro of stonefree out on a date ;-)
Lastly, the most anticipated act of the night-- Cebu's best rock bet: Urbandub. I just loooove going to Urbandub gigs... I love the energy and euphoria created by the interaction between U'dub and the dubistas. Their gigs always kick major ass! Astig, lupet, grabeh! There. All the rock superlatives I can think of ;p My favorite moments are when everyone sings in unison with Gabby, fists up in the air during the loudest/most intense part of their songs, and seeing John Brown's high jumps while playing guitar.

the quick john brown jumped over the lazy dog...
After the show, I went to the stage along with a handful of other fans while the guys were packing up their stuff. Had my Embrace cd inlay signed. Couldn't find Gabby so Tin and I went out to the side of the pub to look for him. Had a little chat with a friendly John Brown [guitars] (you rock! you rock!). Funny how he was conscious about his unkempt hair and even apologized about it. Jan-Jan [drums] was a bit quiet but gladly obliged with the photo op. Niles [vocals] of Angulo was nice enough to take our pic with Jan-Jan. Thanks Niles :) Had a short chat with Niles coz, apparently, he read that post of mine about Niko [Angulo's cute drummer] looking like Adam Sandler ;P And he was amused that I recognized him being in the band. hehe. {I saw them play twice already... both in U'dub gigs}. Lalay [bass] was no longer in sight so we didn't have a pic w/ her. Finally found Gabby [vocals] done with the other fans so we managed to squeeze in a photo op before leaving San Mig.

Anyway.... wow. That was one helluva gig. I'm in awe of the U'dub guys. They rock! They rock!It was my 4th time to see the guys but last night was my first time to do typical fan stuff w/ them like having my cd inlay signed and having my pic taken with them. They are surprisingly approachable. And with a lot of cd-signing experience, I must say they have earned brownie points in my book for personalizing their autographs. For me, it really means that they value their supporters if they at least care to ask the fan's name and write it down on whatever they're signing. Good job, guys! Cebu will be proud of their home boys ;-)