It's a brand spankin' new year so I was inspired to change my template and finally displace some of my houndstooth pattern fixation ;-)
Last week, I just saw this certain postcard from PostSecret which totally got my attention. It read "Everyday I am asked to be a magician in a world where magic doesn't exist." And then somebody emailed a reaction about the postcard and Frank posted it too. I love the inspiring/empowering words of the person who reacted: "You aren't the magician, you are the magic." Wow. Very concise but it had such a big impact on me. And that's how my new template theme was born.
I believe
Abbie has beat me to it
(she texted me about it yesterday) but I'm also gonna rave about
Multiply. At first I was just using it for the photo albums but when I was told that I can search for music there, I was in love. I am a big mp3 junkie and I have started with
winMX back in 2001 and then switched to
Kazaa, shifted to
Bearshare and lately, I have been using
Sharezaa. But now, I think I'm gonna stick with
Multiply for my mp3 needs. I swear, you can find almost anything there! From really old 90s Pinoy rock.... to band covers of pop songs... to the Lacoste (touch of pink) perfume commercial soundtrack. There are just a handful of elusive tracks that I have not yet found so far like
Nadege's version of Heart's
"These Dreams",
Agot Isidro's
"How Can I Be Sure", The Party's "Where is My Romeo", Tribal Fish songs,
"Black to Gray" by I'm-not-sure-who but it's OPM -- Skychurch or something and
"Berto." I'm also eager to upload and share some obscure and lesser-popular songs so watch out ;-) I've already uploaded two playlists as of now so feel free to download! :-)