I was saddened when I heard about Owen Wilson's alleged suicide attempt :-( I'm not a super huge fan of his but I always loved his comedic acting alongside Ben Stiller (think: adorable little cowboy in "Night at the Museum") and enjoyed watching him in Zoolander, Starsky & Hutch and Wedding Crashers. I prefer watching his movies over his brother's (Luke Wilson) ;-)
His smiling eyes, distinctly crooked nose and winning smile... that unmistakable boyish voice of his... his comedic timing are everything that makes him every bit of the extremely likeable romantic-comedy genre actor.
Everything is basically just wild gossip as of now but I wonder how someone who seems to have such a happy disposition in life turned out to be someone desperate enough to (attempt to) kill himself. Was it a cry for help? Sigh. 'Just goes to show that even celebrities who seem to be on top of their game lose their way and stumble into the darkness... With such Hollywood star status, we just forget that they're human human after all. They have pains, troubles and heartaches like the rest of us ordinary people.
I just hope Owen bounces back from this. I would really love to see him get his groove back soon. It would be such a sorry loss to Hollywood if he crumbles and breaks altogether.
Get well soon Owen! (Riiight. As if he'd read this. Hah!)