Sometimes it is better to be kind than to be honest. Operative word: "sometimes". I think most of the time, when it comes to serious vital information and heartfelt opinions, it is better to be honest than to be kind. In that context, I have always been telling my friends that I prefer the cold hard (albeit cruel) truth than sugar-coated bullcrap. I mean, don't bullsh*t me please. I may look fragile (well, I AM fragile still in a way...) but I can take the honest biting truth. Give it to me. I can handle it. You may break my heart to little pieces by saying it but I will surely love you more for being totally honest with me and not BS'ing me for fear of hurting me. What I don't know won't hurt me, right? But then again, I'd hate to be taken for a fool. Like, here I am living my days and there you are hiding something from me. It is sweet and thoughtful of my friends to think of sheltering me from further pain by hiding what they know from me. But thank God, they know me better than that! It's amusing that my friends sometimes secretly debate amongst themselves whether to tell me something or not. In the end, the side that says "Oh let's go friggin tell her" wins. I love them more for their total honesty. I am posting this to show my sincere appreciation for my friends. Ya know who you are dearies. ;-) You truly are friends for keeps. *hugz*