Pimping my PC (think MTV Pimp My Ride!:P) is confusing the hell out of me. I am lost in the technology of DVD-ROM vs. DVD-RW. The DVD+R, DVD-R and DVD+RWs confound me. I was almost set on buying an Asus 16X DVD-ROM along with 512MB RAM and 80GB HDD but my dad suddenly wanted me to check out the DVD RWs-- he's even gonna shell out some moolah (IF it's WITHIN his budget) to add to my "pimping" money. I remember reading from somewhere that you gotta have a gargantuan memory to burn DVD movies and such. I think that's why I gave up on the idea of getting myself a DVD burner. Plus, it's freaking expensive. And what the f*** are Blu-Ray discs and HD-DVDs??? And that region-locking thing. Gee, I took quite some time researching about it. Apparently there's hardware-based and software-based region counter thingiemajigs. I forgot which one is easier to hack. Downloading firmwares... flashing bin files whatever. Arghhhh. *pulls hair in frustration*
My Googling abilities have been way too tested with researching about DVD-ROMs and DVD-RWs.