I promised Bianx that I'd post this one... She made the screen capture for me :)
She was checking out imdb.com the other day in the office for this particular quote from Wicker Park which she liked but she couldn't find it in the "memorable quotes" section of the site. And so I suggested that she google it. She was amused that my blog turned up #5 in the search results coz usually people pay good money to be on top search results. Well, I didn't pay Google a single cent! She was so mesmerized [I asked her: "Oh, so how shall I describe you in my post? Overjoyed? Ecstatic?" She said "mesmerized!". So mesmerized it is ;) ] that she made a screen cap of it and emailed it to me with a "#5 way to go!!!" subject line.

Speaking of net sightings, my mom sent me an email regaring my aunt winning this recipe feature in inq.net. Yey! Way to go Tita Jenny! :)