Hmfft. My officemate was surfing Friendster this morning and stumbled upon this profile of Alvin Alfonso (think: PLDT DSL, Colgate, Master Facial Wash, Ponds and Bench b/low ads). One of his pictures caught my officemate's eye. Coz hellloooo, it was my pic with Alvin from last year's Hush Puppies thingie in ATC wherein we watched the 'fellas perform. So WTF is MY picture doing there?! Hermm. I checked out the profile and discovered that another one of the pics was those shots I took of him while he was modelling the Hush Puppies stuff. Both pictures bore my usual stamp of my webbie address. (I always stamp my celebrity pictures which I post on the net with my angelfire website {nowadays with my blogspot URL}).
Sooo... this is the second time that somebody out there indiscriminately right-clicked on my blog photos. Gaaah. The first incident was this faker who made a fake profile of Franco Mabanta (who used to be Akafellas' manager and umm, you may remember him as "Jasper" from the Coke(?) commercials) using my picture with him (and Tere) during the 'fellas' Greenbelt Onstage concert. The poor Adobe Photoshop-challenged faker could not erase my entire website address on the pic such that the word "fire.com" was still stamped on Franco's forehead. I was able to easily verify that fake profile coz I happened to know people who actually knew Franco personally. We reported the damn profile a coupla times to that "Friendster abuse" link.
But this time... Oooh this one's interesting! I cannot really gauge if it's some convincing impostor or if it's the real deal. The grammar is decent, the pictures look personal, some of the testimonials seemed to be from people who really knew him and oh gee there's even a blog!
Ewaness. If it's a faker, I will be royally pissed. I hate it when people steal my photos. And it is infuriating that my photos become part of something that is deceiving unsuspecting fans out there. Whatever happened to asking for permission to use somebody's virtual/net property?!
But if it's really Alvin, HE OWES ME A DAY-LONG DATE AND A KISS. hah! :P
will the real alvin alfonso please stand up?