I owe this to you Abbie-gurl! *mwah*
Remember this? ;)
real_abbie (12:42:24 AM): Aileen, I nominated your blog, got it?
aileen_meyj (12:43:55 AM): nominated me? wheeeere?
real_abbie (12:45:14 AM): http://www.philippineblogawards.com/index.php
real_abbie (12:45:23 AM): You did not receive the nominations?
real_abbie (12:45:25 AM): DANG!
aileen_meyj (1:08:41 AM): hmm abbie i checked my mail now wlang bloggie thing. heheh, i nominated myself. how vain is that?
real_abbie (1:08:49 AM): Haha! Ok lang.
real_abbie (1:08:58 AM): But I did nominate you!
aileen_meyj (1:09:15 AM): yes dear thankies
Abbie! Hey I nominated your unreal blog ha. (I can't believe I didn't think of doing it earlier! Man, I am such a bad friend, aren't I?!?!) Yebbah! After all, we both have kick-ass blogs dba? *wink, wink* Oh yeah, we kick ass gurrrl! Man, we're such blog-geeks! *teehee* :)