'Posted this on my Friendster Bulletin Board. Anyway, 'posting it here too...
*must watch the LP gig... cannot miss the LP gig..."
Heya peeps! Somebody... anybody...
Who's gonna watch the Linkin Park gig on June 15???
I need somebody to go with!!! Pretty please! I've asked 3 of my friends already but they can't come with me coz it's a freakin' weird Tuesday night gig. Awww, but I sooo don't want to miss it!:(
I'd go alone but then I'm scared to be caught in the mosh pit alone. (Hello, I'm a tiny gal!) Mosh pit+friends is OK, mosh pit+just me is not!
Gaaah. It will totally, majorly, uber-suck if I don't get to see them perform live. It's sooo such a once-in-a-lifetime thing. :(