It's funny how we use the word "funny" when it's not meant to mean a "ha-ha" kind of funny.
Like when something smells bad, we say: "Hmm. That smells funny."
When somebody acts weird around us, we say: "Why are you acting funny around me?"
When we find something strange, we say: "Hmm. Funny, I didn't leave that door open when I left this morning."
And do you remember the lyrics of that 80s song "Love Makes No Promises"?
"Funny how the summer turns to fall
But now I feel the winter's chill
Funny how the beauty of it all
Has slipped away and fell away and died away..."
I think I have the wrong lyrics, but anyway, it went something like that.
So there. Those examples are not funny ha-ha, right?
POP QUIZ. So tell me how you read between these lines below:
1. "Ah ok. Kala ko parang nagkalimutan na eh. Funny, i had this impression that we're not in speaking terms. Hmm. "
That sounded like:
a) it was burning with sarcasm. he/she is definitely pissed off.
b) the person was in a joking mood and was expressing how funny ha-ha his/her impression was.
c) the person was sending out mixed signals... i'm not sure if he/she was angry or was just joking.
2." Ah geez! U must either be feigning ur being dense or ur memory lapse. Either way I know you're smart enough to know exactly what i mean. Or then again maybe you're just being your usual arrogant inconsiderate insensitive selfish flaky a-h*le self. Oh well. You'll get what you deserve."
That was:
a) just plain bitchy. nothing justifies such crass words.
b) a bitch with a cause. there must be a valid reason why such disparaging words were said.
c) very well-said. not bitchy at all.
3. Assume that it was me who said #1 and #2. Knowing me personally (yes, you, my dear gal pals in the real world) or virtually (yes, you blogmates and lurkers who only "know" me from my blog posts), would you say that I was a baaad, baaad person for saying those things?
a) yes [explain why and give me a sermon]
b) no [explain why and sumipsip sa akin. haha :P ]
c) it depends [sige, explain why para clear kung bakit gray area]
This should be pretty interesting! Please, please comment friends and uhh, the rest of the people out there ;) I'd sooo love to hear your thoughts about this. Especially the unbiased opinions of those who do not know the whole story behind this. But still, syempre, my dear Forces friends, be totally honest. Pagalitan nyo ako if needed ;)
Gooo. Comments! Comments!