Okay yes, this is another RockStarINXS-related post. What can I say?! I'm soooo hooked on the show :P
So the reality-show was totally exciting to watch since JD was quite a character. They were divided into 2 groups for the "song collaboration" exercise. Group 1 (which I'd like to call the "cheesy pop chuwariwariwap huwaaat tha...f?!?!" group) was: Ty, Deanna, Suzie and Mig. Group 2 (the "holy crap they're fighting, it's so tense in the room!" group): Marty, JD, Jordis and Jessica. The prizes up for grabs were this kick-ass-looking stereo system and a night out with INXS.
To cut the long story short, JD disagrees with the lyrics written by Jordis and wanted to push his lyrics instead. But Marty sides with Jordis. Memorable quotes went something like these:
- JD argues over Marty's decision to side with Jordis' vague-style lyrics instead of JD's specific story-style lyrics so Marty goes: "Yeah but YOU chose ME to be the MUSICAL DIRECTOR of this group [so why are you contesting my decision?]"
- JD: "I wouldn't go out of my way to listen to the song you [Jordis] wrote. You know what, I don't want the sound system, I don't want a night in town with the band...I only want to attach my name to something of quality... so I'm just going to bow out." [JD starts to leave]
- Jordis, in reaction to JD: "That's not being in a band!"...
JD retorts: "We'll we're NOT in a band!... we're competing TO BE IN the band!"
When it was already time to present their song to Dave and this other INXS dude, JD gets vindicated *yey* :) ....
Ty's group came up with some lame "stop-go" song with matching voices in harmony (think: Deanne & Suzie doing a cheesy chuwariwariwap kind of thing). So what do you say when something is just plain "duh"??? Well Dave said: "It's... interesting." While the other INXS dude said that it was "not what he expected" (euphemism for "what kind of stupid b*llsh*t was that?!?". haha. JD comments,"it's a song you'd write for your parents at band camp". Haha. What a great disser!

the cheesy pop chuwariwariwap huwaaat tha f...?!? group (L to R): Mig, Ty, Suzie, Deanna

the holy-crap-they're-fighting, it's-so-tense-in-the-room!!! group (L to R): Jessica, Marty, Jordis, JD
So then Marty's group performs their song but it was noticeable that JD just sat there non-participating. Eventually, Dave got into the meat of things and asked JD to sing what he came up with. In some sort of sweet revenge for JD, it turns out that his song was actually the best one according to both Dave and the INXS dude (sorry, I'll keep calling him that coz I don't really know the band members of INXS). Dave says that J.D. has "every element required to be a great lead singer and front man." Unfortunately, he doesn't have "every element to be a great member of a band." Oops. Feelin' the backlash, JD? Uh-oh.
Oooh. A twist! This time, instead of a pool of songs that they can choose from, INXS specifically chose the song for them. Aaaand, theY were set to perform with a stripped down acoustic band--with violins, piano and all! Marty was appalled to learn that he was given "Hit me baby one more time". Haha. Even Suzie was shocked and felt kinda sorry for Marty. Funny, I thought... haven't they heard of the kick-ass rock version of that Britney song by Blink 182 and Travis??? I downloaded that version like a year ago from Kazaa and I sooo loved how they turned it into a man-song.

Mig's performance tops my list for this night's show
My faves:
- Mig's Baby I Love Your Way: he sand AND played the piano. Amazing. All I could say was *awww*
- Marty's Hit Me Baby (One More Time): I am sooo lovin' his scream-o growly angsty voice
- Jordis' Knockin' on Heaven's Door: Awesome poignant rendition with a mix of her soulful and throaty/scratchy voice. I predict she's gonna be a big star. I swear, she can pull off a solo career. (I still feel it's too weird to have a female vocalist for INXS.)
i love mig's version of "baby i love your way" too! astig!!!
YEY!!!! JESSICA GOT VOTED OFF!!! FINALLY! sorry to jessica's fans (geez, meron ba?! haha) pero i reaaallly find her irritating. good riddance!
Oh and hey, my faves turned out to be the top 3 faves of the voting audience too! that encore of mig/marty/jordis was sooooo *whoa* galeng, grabeh! :)
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