I am hooked on ROCK STAR INXS. I get to catch it whenever I eat late dinner around 9ish pm at Star World. The first time I caught this weeks ago... I was like: "what the heck were they thinking? why are there even females in this contest?" It will be TOO weird to have a female INXS vocalist.
I vaguely remember INXS back in the 90s coz my sister had a CD of them. I can only remember one song: Suicide Blonde... which, in my compilation of misheard lyrics goes: "supersonic gold...[su-i-ciiide blonde...]" *labooo* Aaaanyway... I just found it weird that they are actually trying to resurrect their band [after Michael Hutchence died] by holding a big-shebang American Idol-ish search for a new vocalist.
I am so amused with Dave Navarro. I've caught some episodes of Carmen + Dave Til Death Do Us Part @ MTV and I just can't believe he's actually non-scary despite of his heavy eyeliner, devilish facial hair and all. He even cried in his actual wedding! He actually seems sweet and generally a nice guy.

JORDIS: I love her voice, expecially when it turns husky (think: a more soulful version of Pink/Gwen Stefani). She's not O.A. when she performs on stage. She totally "feels" the song she sings. I looooved her version of Hoobastank's The Reason and Nirvana's The Man Who Sold the World. She gives me goosebumps when she does that husky-wailing kind of singing.
I still think that it's too weird to have a female INXS vocalist but I would love for Jordis to have a solo career. She has such a great potential to be the next big thing to hit the music industry.

JD: *sigh* I first noticed him coz he's *hot*. He looks like that guy (Max character) from Roswell. The first time I saw him was when he sang Alanis Morissette's Hand in my Pocket. He's got great stage presence AND he's yummy to look at. Basta.

MIG: I was surprised to learn that he's got Filipino blood. I read it from Inquirer, I think. I remember him being nervous about singing Aerosmith's Walk this Way coz it was such a tongue twister but he managed to pull it off nicely.
BRANDON: He's a bit eccentric when he performs. I liked his version of Tonic's If You Could Only See. He was barefoot when he sang Sweet Home Alabama. I'd be sad if he gets eliminated early.
Bleach-blonde MARTY reminds me of that short guy in the sitcom Just Shoot Me. I just can't concentrate on watching his performance coz I keep thinking of that funny short guy in the sitcom. It's just too distracting!
I am happy that TARA got eliminated. She's just so *ughhh* trying hard that I cringe whenever I see her perform. I don't like the way she projects herself on stage. O.A. Trying hard. 'Kainis.
I share your sentiments. I also think its too weird for INXS to have a female vocalist but at least they made it open to everyone. Who knows it could actually work but it would dramaticaly change the dynamics of the group.
hi raissa! yup, good thoughts you've got there :) equal opportunity, i guess ;)
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